It’s been a year of constant changes, adjustments, and surprises (sometimes unwanted). You would have thought you’d get used to it by now. But the thing that makes us human is the same thing that frustrates us – we always hope for better. 

With a second round of lockdowns, it’s anybody’s guess what will happen in the days and weeks to come. How do you create a sense of normalcy and stability when the world around you seems out of control? Here are some tips to stay sane in these crazy times.

  1. Create a routine. Humans are creatures of habit (even the most scatterbrained of us). We wake up each morning, go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, get out of our pyjamas, and start our day. We need moments of cruise control, where our brains just go on autopilot. It takes away the stress of figuring out what to do next. When things start looking crazy, a routine helps us stay grounded. Try to stick to it as much as you can. You can even create micro-routines for different times of the day. An afternoon walk, a fifteen-minute screen break, or even a midday stretching routine can help build mental and psychological anchors into our lives. Build these into your calendar regain some control amidst a chaotic world.
  2. Appreciate the present. Things may look bleak but there are always things to be thankful for. Appreciating, acknowledging, and being in the present helps us remember that today is a gift. It helps us become aware of what’s real and what’s important. Many times, we look to the future with so much anxiety that we ignore the blessings we have in our hands. A deeper appreciation of now allows us to move forward with less fear and more hope. Savor each experience and embrace the wonder of being alive. 
  3. Acknowledge your emotions and limitations. Riding life’s roller coaster can make your feelings go all over the place. There is no shame in that. Emotions are our body’s way of telling us it’s not okay. Take time to recognize what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way. Categorize your thoughts into two broad groups – things you can control and the things you can’t. Work on the things you can manage, and surrender those that are beyond you. You are not expected or obligated to handle things that are not within your control. And while the temptation to feel anxious and unsettled still creeps in, the reminder that it’s outside your responsibilities or abilities can help you let go.

Full post is found on World Vision Philippines.

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