Most days I want a lot of things. In a bizarre twist of circumstance, tonight, I want nothing. It is not just about being satisfied with what I have. I want to want nothing – to have nothing, to be nothing, to know nothing. I want to be stripped of everything the world gives. Only then can I bask in God’s true beauty and majesty and all-sufficiency.
To own nothing.
To gain everything.
To be complete in Jesus, because he will be all I have.
That is when I can truly say, he is all I need.
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ
ContentEd. It's both a title (short for content editor) and a descriptor (being satisfied in life).
I focus on brand-building content strategy in the digital space. I have a never-ending booklist and I consume varied content on a daily basis. My habit of hoarding information helps me pick other people's brains over tea. I enjoy meeting people and have a knack for asking the right questions. My secret (yet uncapitalised and unmonetised) skill is leading others towards personal epiphanies.
I've written a self-published book on content marketing for a boutique digital marketing agency. Once in a while, I appear in social media to talk about the online world. My latest book project is on mental illness and the Christian community. Some of the my blog entries may make it to another book about singleness in the not-so-near future.
Because life is short and the days are long, I also have a weekly podcast.